Saturday, May 27, 2023

Home Run- Detroit Tigers Baseball Nail Design

Hello everyone! Today we will be create a design that is a little different, at lest for me, we are creating a sports nail design, the Detroit Tigers nail design. Recently my hubby took me to my very first baseball game. I am not into sports, but my hubby thought we should still go just to experience a game. I didn't really know what was going on during the game, but it was nice to experience a baseball game. So thought that I would create a Tiger baseball themed nail design, to celebrate my first baseball game, I guess. 

Detroit Tigers Baseball Nail Design

 Here are the polish and nail art tools used for this Tiger baseball nail design:

Base coat and Top coat- CND Stickey Base Coat and CND Super Shiney Top Coat.

Polishes- Zoya- Twinkling- Jen, Sally Hansen- Triple Shine- Play Koi, and Sally Hansen- Hard as Nails- Hard to get.

Acrylic paint- Red, blues and white.

Nail art brushes- thin detail and stripper brushes.

Other- small cup of water to clean off your nail art brushes. 

Detroit Tigers Baseball Nail Design

Apply a base coat to clean dry nails.

Let that dry.


*The Tigers teams colors are navy blue, orange and white.*

Thumb nail- dark/ navy blue shimmer polish (Zoya- Jen)

Index, middle and pinky nails- Orange polish (Sally Hansen- Triple Shine- Play Koi)

Ring finger nail- White polish (Sally Hansen- Hard as Nails- Hard to get.)

Let that dry.

Detroit Tigers Baseball Nail Design

Detroit Tigers Baseball Nail Design

Tigers Print on the Index, Middle and Pinky Nails:

We will first start off with the tiger print on the index, middle and pinky finger nails. This part is very simple on each side of the nails, with a blue or even black paint on a stripper brush make random lines, a few of the lines I did make them connect. 

Detroit Tigers Baseball Nail Design

Baseball on the Ring finger nail: 

Take a thin stripper brush with red paint on it kind of near the cuticle make a arch, then near the tip of the nail make another arch, then make small line on that arch for the stitches on a baseball. 

Detroit Tigers Baseball Nail Design

D for the Detroit Tiger on the Thumb Nail:

Lastly we have the hard part the Old English D for the Detroit Tigers. I always like to hand paint all of my nail art, if this is a little to hard you can maybe just leave this blue, or find a decal or a stencil. I also suggest if you want to also hand paint the Old English D have a picture to look at as a reference. 

If you do want to also hand paint the Old English D, take a thin stripper brush with white paint on it, staring with the curved part at the top of the D near the left side of the nail, then make a small curve on the side, a long line down the nail, another small curve, then another long arch. 

For the inner part, on the long line that we just made, make a U shaped curve, then another curve under that one. Then to divide the letter D make a thick curved line.

With a little space in between make another thick line similar to the line you just made, then on that line on the side make two small tall like shapes. Then in between make to curved lines to connect the thick liens that we made.

Lastly take thin detail brush with white paint on it and make all of your lines thicker, if they seem to thin. Hopefully this makes sense, making this D was very hard and hard to explain too.

Detroit Tigers Baseball Nail Design

Once your nails are game time ready, apply a top coat to seal in nail design and to help them to last though all of the innings.

Here is the practice version of the nail design that I did. 

Hope all of you enjoyed this nail design, and as always you can change things up to fit your states/ cites home team.

See you next time for more nail fun!  

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