Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Need A Vacation- Tropical Nail Design

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a good summer/ almost the end of summer, well according to the calendar. I can't believe how fast summer went now that it is the first day of September. Anyways we have another tropical nail design that we will be creating, I created this design some time ago and just didn't get a chance to type up a post. I do plain on creating one more tropical nail design even though it is now September, it most likely will still feel like summer for some time now, plus if you are feeling anyway like me then a tropical or any vacation is needed. 

Tropical Nail Design

Here are the polishes and nail art tools used to create this nail design:

Base and top coat-- CND Stickey Base Coat, Revlon Extra Life No Chip top coat, and - OPI- Matte Topcoat. 

Polishes-  Holo Taco- Orange Drink- Rainbow Collection, Holo Taco- Hot - Wire Pink- Electric Holo Collection, and Sally Hansen- Hard as Nails- Hard to get. 

Acrylic Paint- Bright pink, black, red, blue, yellow, and white.

Nail art tools- thin detail and stripper brush, and a medium flat brush.

Other- makeup sponge for gradients, and water to clean off your nail art brushes. 

Tropical Nail Design

Apply a base coat, then let that dry.


Thumb, index, and pinky- an orange holographic polish, Holo Taco- Orange Drink.

Middle and ring finger nail- a white polish for your base polish. (you will not be seeing any of this polish once our design is done.) Also this design I applied a matte topcoat over the white polish to help the paint to blend better and it did work out much better.  

Let that dry. 

Tropical Nail Design

Tropical Nail Design

For this design it is very similar to the last design, and once again I will keep the explanation simple.

On both nails we will be making a gradient for the sky, starting near the cuticle with a bright pink paint, then an orange (I mixed yellow and red to make my orange) and then yellow, and for the water a light blue. You will need to go over this a few times, I went over it three times.

On your third pass over of the paint start to kind of blend the bright pink and orange and then the yellow, to make a gradient.

Also once your sky gradient has dried you can make yellow sun on the ring finger nail. First make a white circle and then fill that in with yellow, this help the yellow sun to stand out.

Tropical Nail Design

Tropical Nail Design

Once you have your sky completed, first make a black thick line in-between the sky and water for the land. Then make one large palm tree on the left hand corner of the middle finger nail.

On the ring finger nail make just the palm leaves pecking from the side of the nail. 

For the water, make a few white lines for the waves and then some dark blue ones right next to those. 

Tropical Nail Design

Tropical Nail Design

Lastly to complete your design on the thumb, index and pink finger nail we will create a gradient using an orange and a pink holo (even though it looks red). Staring with Holo Taco- Orange Drink, the orange holo and then on the tip of the nail Holo Taco- Hot - Wire Pink, 
pink holo that looks red. 

Tropical Nail Design
Tropical Nail Design

Once your nails are vacation ready, apply a top coat to seal in your design and to help it to last. 

Hope all of you enjoyed this tropical design and I do plain on doing one more tropical design before summer is official over.

See you next time for more nail fun!

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